Our Impact
Repairing rather than replacing has a big environmental impact by not sending things to landfill and saving a lot of CO2. Have a look at how much you are helping to contribute by bringing your items for repair.
Have alook at
Environmental headline news…
Up to the end of 2024 our repairs have saved 37,859 Kg of CO2. That’s equivalent to driving a car to London 1,800 times !
Up to the end of 2024 our repairs have saved 2,506 Kg of landfill. That’s over 2.5 Tons.
Repair success
So far we have helped to repair 73% of the items you brought in.
Keep them coming.
Our community

At the Repair Cafe we are always looking for opportunities to support and collaborate with other community projects. Have a look at some of our latest initiatives.

Feb 2025: We’re excited to be making a donation to Macclesfield Community Tree Nursery. They are growing trees from seeds collected locally and getting them planted out in the area to combat climate change, increase biodiversity and make our area a greener place to live. Our donation will help them with their current quest to acquire topsoil to fill their raised beds, and to buy essential supplies from their wish-list.

Feb 2025: Two of our volunteers joined forces with young people from the Just Drop-In charity to help them complete an art project, involving making a painted frame for wall tiles they had decorated with their own amazing artwork. Then fixing the tiles in position and mounting the now very heavy frame in a prominent spot in their Macclesfield HQ. The young people learnt new DIY skills and got to put them into practice by being involved at every stage of the process.